Message of the week

• The Christian must know that being a creature of God, he owes him worship as it is written in Psalms: 150: 6 "Let all who breathe praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!''                        

• Adoration is not just about singing or praising God, and worshipers are not just the singers of churches. The Lord Jesus Christ said it so well in the Gospel according to John: 4:23 "But the hour is coming, and it has already come, where true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for these are the worshipers whom the Father asks. "


• We are all worshipers, and worship God in many ways: loving him, obeying him, serving him with the gifts and talents he has given us for his sole glory.

• That worshiping God, staying in His presence, can truly transform us.

Apostle  Jimmy NEMBAMBA

About us


It is created in Kinshasa, the Seventh day of June of the year mile nine hundred eighty-seven, on the initiative of Reverend Apostle Jimmy Nembamba Kibongela, a non-profit organization called ''Missionary Work for the Salvation of Souls in the World." MWSSW Asbl acronym.


  1. Evangelize Christ where he is not appointed by planting local churches. All our churches identify with the name "The Fraternity";
  2. Organize biblical and theological teachings as well as missionaries;
  3. Carry out various philanthropic works relating to social welfare;
  4. Creates schools of general education and education at several levels (Maternal, Primary, Secondary and University), vocational schools for the guidance of unemployed youth;
  5. Deal with the supervision of malnourished children and people living with HIV / AIDS.


We are Pentecostals and believe in fundamental truths as the foundation of our faith.

We believe:

    1. To the authority of the Bible, the inspired word of God, the infallible rule of faith and conduct of the Assembly in general, and of the Christian in particular;
    2. The only true God, the Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth who has revealed Himself as ONE in three persons;
    3. That man is a sinner and is separated from God;
    4. To salvation in Jesus Christ, the only Savior and Lord;
    5. To immersion baptism ordained to those who have received Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord;
    6. At the Lord's Supper, an ordinance instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ for all believers;
    7. In the holiness of life (in thoughts, words, conduct);
    8. At the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and the different ministries according to the New Testament;
    9. To eternal chastisement, to the resurrection of the flesh and to eternal life.


  • Board of directors;
  • Ecclesiastical Centers;
  • Local Churches;
  • Departments (National, Provincial and Local)
  • Prayer cells at the level of local churches.

Click here to download the locations and organization chart of the church

The inevitable tests in the ministry

The Christian must know that being a creature of God, he owes him worship as it is written in Psalm 150: 6 "Let all who breathe praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

By Apostle Jimmy NEMBAMBA


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General Secretariat
Office of the Apostle
83, Av. Manifeste
Commune de Bumbu/ville de Kinshasa/R.D.Congo

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